22 Nov “Pejuang Laut” Launching on World Fisheries Day 2017 in Ambon
The Coral Triangle Center has successfully accomplished one of its most significant contributions to the USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (USAID SEA) Project through the launching of “Pejuang Laut” during the World Fisheries Day 2017 commemoration in Ambon, Maluku, on November 21-22, 2017. Around 45 “Pejuang Laut”, or champions of the SEA, coming from three different provinces in eastern Indonesia namely Maluku, North Maluku and West Papua – including the honorable Sultan Tidore and King of Buano and Nusalaut Island – attended this remarkable event and pledged the commitment to protect the marine resources in their respective areas.
The two-day event aimed to support the increased knowledge, awareness and behavioral changes among coastal community representatives regarding the importance of marine conservation and sustainable fisheries in the Indonesian Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 715. The “Pejuang Laut” consists of various representatives of community elements, such as fishermen, Adat leaders, coastal community leaders, youth and women leaders, non-governmental organizations, business people, academics, fisheries extension officers and related local governmental bodies. They were nominated by their peers and institutions in their respective areas based on their dedication and proven leadership qualities in the movement of change and taking action for marine and coastal protection.
The “Pejuang Laut” will work closely with partners of USAID SEA Project, including CTC, WWF-Indonesia, WCS, MDPI, AP2HI, and Rare Indonesia to increase awareness and knowledge of the community on the benefits of marine resource management, and to lead the behavioral change communication activities in the FMA 715. During the event, all participants were exposed to the presentation about marine conservation, sustainable fisheries, and effective media and CTC’s interactive games of Aquatico to deliver key messages to the community members. Participants also developed their own work plans based on the challenges and characteristics of their respective areas. The event was closed with half-day field trips around Ambon Bay using excursion boat of Fisheries Training and Extension Center of Ambon.
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