08 Nov Fun Learning Class for Local School Children
Coral Triangle Center (CTC) was approached by the Bagawan Foundation/Bali Starling for a fun learning class aimed at local school students aged between 6 and 12 years.
On November 8th 2017, 40 students from SD SIBANG KAJA (1-4) attended the session at CTC’s new Center for Marine Conservation. CTC showed the students a coral video animation, explained about basic marine ecosystem and hosted fun quizzes & games to engage the students. You can view the children’s video here.
Most of the students lived inland and were not familiar with coastal areas, so the material presented was new for them and they really enjoyed learning in a fun and engaging way.
The teaching method was first grouping the students from different schools together for the educational session which was then followed by quizzes. The final session was an inter group fish length estimation game and we concluded with a sing-a-long song “KARANG KITA”.
If you are interested in holding a marine conservation educational session for students please contact CTC at the following email (insert email) CTC can either host or assist you with materials such as the CTC Basic Marine Ecosystem Flipcharts, games or our new Aquatico board game.
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