16 Oct CTC Attends Indonesian Marine Funders Collaboration (IMFC) Workshop in Jakarta and Facilitates Field Visit in Ambon
CTC was invited to a strategic meeting organized by three international foundations who are committed to improve collaborative investment in the health of Indonesia’s oceans in Jakarta on October 16-18, 2017.
The IMFC group consists of a number of delegates from the Walton Family Foundation, the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP), and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Senior executives and scientists from 30 organizations working on fisheries and marine conservation programs in Indonesia participated in the workshop. The goal was to provide input to the IMFC long-term investment strategies in Indonesia and maximize sharing and learning among the participants.
On October 24-26, 2017, CTC facilitated IMFC representatives’ field visits in Ambon, Maluku. The event was led by CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani with support from all CTC staff in Ambon office for the USAID SEA Project and the SeaNet Indonesia Project. On the first day, the CTC team presented the achievements of several projects undertaken through international partnership in eastern Indonesia, namely in Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua Provinces, as well as the CTC learning sites on Ay and Rhun Islands which lie within the Banda Islands MPA. The activity was followed by visiting the USAID SEA Project Regional Office of Ambon at the Marine and Fisheries Agency of Maluku Province, and the CTC office at the Fisheries Training and Extension Center (BPPP) Ambon.
The donors also had good dialogue with the representatives of conservation community from Ay Island, the alumni of CTC training activities in Ambon, as well as the Head of BPPP Ambon. From these discussions, it was acknowledged that CTC – through IMFC support – has contributed significantly to coastal and marine resource protection and the capacity building of fisheries extension officers, community leaders and government officials in order to preserve coral reefs, fisheries and livelihoods improvement of coastal communities in eastern Indonesia.
On the second day, CTC and IMFC visited the Lease Islands including Nusa Laut, Saparua and Haruku which will be a new MPA learning site for CTC under the SEA project. The group dived at Nusa Laut Island in Central Maluku which has a very high diversity of corals and fish whilst CTC staff met the king of Nusa Laut and explored the island by motorbike. In the evening, all the field trip participants, CTC’s cetacean’s team and CTC partners joined dinner together in Ambon to further strengthen partnerships and discuss future cooperation opportunities.
IMFC appreciated CTC’s comprehensive strategies that are integrated and supported by partnerships at all levels advancing marine conservation and sustainable fisheries by building local capacity, strengthen MPAs and connect leaders and managers in learning networks and amplified by CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation in Bali throughout the Coral Triangle region.
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