29 Sep CTC Movie Night: Chasing Corals
To inspire and train new generations to care for coastal and marine ecosystems, CTC hosted a free showing of “Chasing Coral” on September 29, 2017 at its new Center for Marine Conservation. The documentary shows why coral reefs are rapidly vanishing across the world and what we can do about it.
The movie captured the process of coral bleaching and the consequences of losing biodiversity and fish breeding habitat.To inspire and train new generations to care for coastal and marine ecosystems, CTC hosted a free showing of “Chasing Coral” on September 29, 2017 at its new Center for Marine Conservation. The documentary shows why coral reefs are rapidly vanishing across the world and what we can do about it. The movie captured the process of coral bleaching and the consequences of losing biodiversity and fish breeding habitat.
Food and drinks were available for purchase with a portion of proceeds going towards marine conservation at CTC. The event was set up outdoors with the stars above and a pleasant night breeze. A huge red carpet stretched across the ground with beanbags and chairs for comfort. Music played before and after the movie setting the scene for a relaxing social event. CTCs welcoming staff were freely available to answer any questions and make introductions, making it a great networking event for anyone interested in marine conservation.
After the movie an enthusiastic discussion followed with CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani, Ocean Artist Courtney Mattison and CTC Nusa Penida Site Manager Wira Sanjaya as panelists. The panel shared the various ways that we can all help protect our coral reef ecosystems by not touching corals when diving or snorkeling, reducing our climate footprint, reducing our plastic waste, being responsible users of energy, and switching to clean energy when possible.
Together we can succeed in saving our reefs. It’s the small daily choices you make that makes all the difference!
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