07 Mar CTC Joins CTI-CFF Partners Meeting
On March 7-9, 2017, CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani attended the CTI-CFF Partners meeting in Sydney, Australia to discuss priority activities that will be undertaken to support the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action as well as capture success stories of past programs and show case activities at the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in New York..
The partners also agreed to look for opportunities to work together on joint priorities in their support of the CTI-CFF and make it easier, more efficient, and more effective for CTI-CFF stakeholders to access the Partners as a group. Partners includes the Australian Government, Asian Development Bank, Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, WWF, and USAID.
The Partners also agreed to organize a CTI-CFF side event at the United Nations Ocean Conference on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in June 2017 in New York. The side event will showcase the CTI-CFF as a multi-lateral partnership to deliver the SDG14 and other SDG targets. The side event will demonstrate the value add of the partnership for coastal communities, governments and the private sector through the people-centered goals and activities addressing biodiversity and habitat protection and management, sustainable livelihoods and food security and building the resiliency of coastal communities and industries to climate and other environmental impacts. It will be a venue for existing members and partners to renew their commitment to the CTI-CFF. CTC will announce the development of CTC’s marine conservation center at this event.
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