10 Feb Valuing Local Knowledge in Marine Conservation and Fisheries Management
From January 30 to February 10, 2017, CTC successfully conducted the first phase of its perception survey under USAID’s Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project in Maluku Province. The activity covered Ambon City and several districts in West Seram, Central Maluku, and East Seram. It included 140 respondents, of which 30% were women, representing local government, local leaders and community members.
Initial data collected from the survey showed that communities living in Maluku’s coasts are beginning to recognize and feel the impact of the threats to their marine environment. Some of the threats identified include lower fish catch due to destructive fishing practices and marine pollution as well as higher frequency of tidal flooding due to mangrove deforestation. The communities also recognize that they need more information so that they can find solutions to avert these threats to their environment and livelihoods.
The survey, which is being be rolled out by CTC in Maluku, North Maluku and West Papua this quarter, aims to gauge local communities’ knowledge and perception about marine conservation and sustainable fisheries in their area. Results from the survey will be analyzed and used to support various program materials including a communications strategy that will be responsive to the knowledge and perception of the local people who will be beneficiaries of marine conservation and sustainable fisheries programs under USAID SEA Project.
The five-year USAID SEA Project is being implemented by TetraTech, CTC and other partners such as WWF and Wildlife Conservation Society. It supports the Government of Indonesia in strengthening marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management in Maluku, North Maluku and West Papua. (Photos by Yoga Putra/CTC)
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