26 Sep CTC Helps Strengthen Sustainable Marine Tourism in Maluku

CTC, in collaboration with the Indonesia Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) Fisheries Education and Training Center, conducted a training on sustainable marine tourism on September 26-29, 2016 in Ambon. The training aimed to develop potential marine tourism sites and ensure that these are managed in a sustainable and responsible manner.

A total of 24 participants from Ambon, Central Maluku, West Seram, Banda, and Ternate attended the training. As part of the program the participants went around Ambon Bay in a training ship provided by Fisheries Education and Training Center, the K.M. Martha Alfons.

For more details about this activity, click on this link.

Training participants in Ambon Bay Credit: BP3K- Ambon

Training participants onboard K.M. Martha Alfons Credit: BP3K-Ambon

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