31 May Adopt a Coral Program launched in Bunaken to Revive Coral Reefs
In an effort to sustain marine biodiversity in Bunaken National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia, the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) and Grand Luley Hotel have launched the Adopt A Coral Program.
On May 31, the Grand Luley Resort in partnership with the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) launched the Adopt a Coral Program in Manado, Sulawesi. Guests and government officials tagged 100 baby corals that were then transplanted around the Mermaid Dive Site, an underwater sculpture sunk in 2015 to revitalize marine life in the area.
Through this program, Grand Luley Resort can help the public to learn about marine conservation and directly contribute to the long term conservation of the unique marine biodiversity in Bunaken. Under the program, guests can sponsor a transplanted coral and monitor its growth.
The Adopt A Coral Program aims to revive and strengthen coral reef ecosystems in Bunaken by transplanting baby corals or coral fragments to form a new coral reef. The baby corals, which come from a mother colony that thrives in the area, will be taken care off by dedicated personnel. These reefs will serve as home and spawning grounds for thousands of reef fish.
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