10 Mar Expanding the Coral Triangle Center’s Indonesia Portfolio with 5-Year USAID SEA Project

Raja Ampat In March, USAID Indonesia announced that it has awarded its 5-year Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project to a consortium of organizations. The consortium is led by U.S. consultancy firm TetraTech Inc. and includes non-government organizations such as Coral Triangle Center (CTC), Wildlife Conservation Society, World Wildlife Fund Indonesia, and Yayasan Masyarakat Dan Perikanan Indonesia.

The SEA Project encourages and supports the conservation of marine biodiversity and the improved governance of marine resources at local, district, provincial, and national levels in Indonesia. It will conduct activities in West Papua, North Maluku (Halmahera), and Maluku, expanding CTC’s learning sites, training and learning activities, learning networks, and outreach and communication.
The project aims to

  • Improve horizontal and vertical coordination to enhance conservation and sustainable fisheriBanda Islands es management;
  • Improve the design of management structures for marine resources to strengthen par
    ticipatory co-management and transparency;
  • Leverage private sector partners to increase market demand for sustainable fishing and conservation; and
  • Turn knowledge into action and support local community behavior change.


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Coral Triangle Center